"a type of mind–body intervention in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility in the treatment of a medical or psychological disorder or concern" -- wikipedia.
God's grace
The free and unmerited favor of God, manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. It is God's gift to us, given freely and without any strings attached -- biblelyfe.com.
"pleased or content with what has been experienced or received" -- merriam-webster.
holding demons as enemies
Request: Doc said “Once it becomes your enemy, it’s got you”. Which indicates it's inadvisable to hold them as such. So I wonder how to contextualize demons, if they're not enemies.
mantra: I am in Christ, and Christ is in me
Priority request: a shortened form of John 14:20, that has brought much relief.
time sense
"an ability to feel the lapse of time and to estimate and compare intervals especially of short duration" -- merriam-webster.
"I let Christ let go for me"
Request: I've found this helpful to deal with stuff I wasn't really able to let go of on my own.
"it's great to be alive"
Calibration of the saying.
Request: “If all is God, then to invalidate any part of it would be to invalidate God. Man, along with his expressions, being God’s creation, would least of all be invalidated by God.” — Healing and Recovery.
"the customer is always right"
Request: Used a lot within sales and marketing.
request: taking responsibility for things you aren’t really responsible for.
"simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (such as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action" -- merriam-webster.
"God doeth the work"
Request: we don't have to do everything ourselves.
level: always force it, all the time
Or, "never not be forcing it."
wear the world like a loose garment
“an expression that means to be detached from the world's worries and to live life with a relaxed attitude” - Google AI.