statement: animals were created so that man could eat them
A teleological statement widely believed in in some religious traditions. What is the level of truth?
supplication to the Presence of Divinity
By request. Similar to "becoming the prayer."
statement: listening is love
It involves fully engaging with another person, showing them that their thoughts and feelings are valued and understood -- Brave AI.
“a burst of uncontrolled electrical activity between brain cells (also called neurons or nerve cells) that causes temporary abnormalities in muscle tone or movements (stiffness, twitching or limpness), behaviors, sensations or states of awareness” — hopkinsmedicine.
8 calibrations re: Holy Spirit
Being resistant to, open to, listening to, inspired by, aligned with, or surrendered to the Holy Spirit. Also, letting the Holy Spirit run your life, and oneness with the Holy Spirit.
"simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (such as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action" -- merriam-webster.
"God doeth the work"
Request: we don't have to do everything ourselves.
the Holy Spirit is what makes life livable
The Holy Spirit is the divine comfort and protection offered to us in this world. May it be your constant companion and source of direction. May it heal your psyche and divest you of all illusion.
seeking a solution but not really
Similar to wanting something but also not wanting it at the same time.
fact vs. data
There's an important difference. Also calibrated: information.
liberation from your own opinions
Non-attachment to your opinions, seeing your point of view is flexible, and understanding your position is based on potentially incomplete data.
level: always force it, all the time
Or, "never not be forcing it."
Priority request: Seems to be a common goal for most of mankind. There are many theories on what it is and how it comes about.
Request: Is it beneficial to recycle? Or is it just green propaganda?