"someone who puts a high standard on the way he behaves" -- vocabulary.com.
not knowing you exist
Synonymous with self-doubt.
"Beware the student of [only] one teacher..."
"... A good idea spirals into dogma when it gets applied to everything and stretched beyond the areas where it is useful. Remain open and embrace a lot of teachers." Priority request: I came across this quote and it's been bothering me since I've done this with Doc's teachings.
quality > quantity
Recognizing the value of quality as exceeding that of quantity. Also calibrated: quantity > quality.
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
With 9,921 motion picture professionals [as of April 2020], the Academy… is known around the world for its annual Academy Awards, both officially and popularly known as "The Oscars" -- wikipedia.
level: God denies you nothing
Priority request: It really doesn't seem this way sometimes, lol.
"To exist is a tremendous miracle"
Attributed to Dr. Hawkins. Calibrated by request.
Calibration of number puzzle on a 9x9 grid.
Italian for "caress," an intimacy-oriented approach to sexual intercourse.
The Aviator (2004)
Biopic of Howard Hughes played by Leonardo DiCaprio.
Invictus (2009)
Knowing that South Africa is set to host the 1995 Rugby World Cup in one year's time, Mandela persuades a meeting of the newly black-dominated South African Sports Committee to support the Springboks -- wikipedia.
"you snooze, you lose"
You miss opportunities by not paying attention -- macmillandictionary.
level: the whole universe shames you
There's no greater illusion... Compare: the whole universe loves you.
T/F: alcoholism can be cured
Request: The AA view is that alcoholism (as a disease with mental, physical and spiritual components) can be recovered from, not cured.