New Age

Energetic Boundaries, by Cyndi Dale

How to Stay Protected and Connected in Work, Love, and Life. Request: Book offers tips (visualizations, objects) for protecting your energy field from low-energy areas you might encounter in daily life.

The Law of One

From Ra, a channeled entity.

vision boards

Request: A Law of Attraction concept that helps visualize goals, values. It's based on material things, usually. "Vision boards are all about intentions, and they are a great way to remind yourself of what your intentions are."

New Ageism

Calibrated in TvF at 185. Measured not by motivation alone, it is far less evolved than that...

T/F: the further one is on the spiritual path, the more ridiculous the content of thought becomes

Request: This comes to me from time to time when the thoughts that come are really absurd. I wonder if this is true and a manifestation of ego resistance or just wishful thinking.

Ozora festival

Request: a so-called transformational festival about psychedelic music and psychedelic art.


Request: has an extremely high frequency, which when combined with its cosmic collisions, earthly vibrations, and extraterrestrial energy, makes it a potent stone for spiritual use.

"What you love also loves you"

Priority request: Seems like wishful thinking to me, or a good way to get taken advantage of. But then, maybe it's a heart thing.

Atmamun: The Path To Achieving The Bliss Of The Himalayan Swamis...

...And The Freedom Of A Living God. "It is for True Seekers. It is for those who wish to move beyond the self-help and cosmetic slogans of meditation and mindfulness, toward the Ultimate Truths of Life and the Mind" -- amazon.

Darius J. Wright

Renown for out of body experiences (OBE), Wright teaches "how to access the unseen realms beyond the physical." Priority request.

Destin Gerek

Priority request: globally recognized leading voice in masculinity, sexuality, and personal empowerment. He is founder and CEO of The Evolved Masculine, a pioneering coaching and training company for men.

soul star chakra (concept)

"This chakra also holds all of the information about your past lives, and your Akashic Records. Situated above your head, it serves as a repository, a kind of mystical vault where the knowledge of your past lives and the your soul's true purpose reside" --

statement: smell of rotten eggs out of nowhere can indicate a discarnate nearby, smell of flowers – an angel

Request: Doc briefly mentioned this during a video lecture (not verbatim).


Palmistry is the pseudoscientific practice of fortune-telling through the study of the palm -- wikipedia.

T/F: we plan our lives before birth

Request: A recent discussion on the Database with posts of NDE and destiny. Maybe helpful to just get a decisive true or false answer to this. It seems like wishful thinking to me