Spiritual Practice

listening to positive affirmations every day

Request: Making a short list of positive affirmations such as "Everything is always working out for me," or "My life is ruled by order and harmony" then recording them and playing them on repeat for 10 minutes or so. Is this an effective way to use mantras and align with a positive field?

awareness plus intention is curative

High focus (awareness) with high intention (power of context) processes out all blocks.

T/F: wearing a cross protects against demons

Request: We know that making the sign of the cross dissolves demons in one’s aura. Does wearing a cross offer similar protection?

Kriya yoga

"controlling prana (life force) by distilling prana from the breath and thus recharging the body cells... the cells are recharged by the reinforced bodily life-force and the cosmic life; the physical cells therefore neither change nor decay" -- Yogananda.

Doc's belief-canceling technique

"I am an infinite being; I am not subject to that. I am only subject to what I hold in mind. This does not apply to me, and I hereby cancel it and refuse it."


"a religious practice that involves a practitioner who is believed to interact with a spirit world through altered states of consciousness, such as trance" -- wikipedia. Priority request.

confession as a spiritual practice

"Confession brings reconciliation between God and the penitent, between the penitent and others, and to the individual penitent" -- hallow.com. Priority request.

level: allow yourself to have negative feelings

Priority request: When one experiences negative feelings, hold an attitude of allowance.

avoiding that which is under 200

Is this a healthy approach? Or does actively avoiding things under 200 hinder your participation in life? --request

praying for the highest good

Priority request: As advised by Doc. When you don't know what the highest good is/would be, praying for awareness of it and to be aligned with it by Grace.

Metta Meditation

"or loving-kindness meditation, is a Buddhist practice for cultivating compassion for ourselves and others through directing loving, friendly phrases and goodwill" -- lionsroar.com. Priority request.

contemplation (as recommended by Doc)

"To focus on a specific subject while attending to daily life is generally called contemplation." - Hawkins, I : Reality & Subjectivity

one loving thought in a day cancels out all the negative ones

Mentioned in The Map of Consciousness Explained.

The Rosary

Priority request: represents the Catholic emphasis on "participation in the life of Mary, whose focus was Christ", and the Mariological theme "to Christ through Mary".

surrender at great depth

Means to surrender high-magnitude payoffs, the "juice," whether a boost or a suppression of experiencing a positionality. Peace is realized when there is neither attraction nor aversion to the most "juice" human life has on offer.