
“pain is the background of all [your] pleasures”

Request: Maharaj’ words on page 36 in “I’m That.”

"The less you want, the richer you are"

Priority request: This is a quote attributed to Yanni. It basically just suggests that the issue of lack is created by desire and is an illusion or a projection rather than a reality.

"There are no others"

Ramana Maharshi's answer to the question "How are we supposed to treat others?"

"Right is right even if no one is doing it..."

"Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it" -- St. Augustine.

"The quality of the food influences the mind. The mind feeds on the food consumed."

Request: Quote from Ramana Maharshi. Always stood out for me, doesn't feel right.

"When the thirst for the world disappears, the water of heaven appears"

Trading the payoffs of illusion for the sweetness of Reality.

"Faith without reason leads to superstition..."

"...Reason without faith leads to nihilism and relativism" -- Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Fides et ratio (Faith and Reason). Priority request.

"An assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact"

Attributed to Neville Goddard. By request.

"May we always arrive at truth in the context of love"

Request: This is a comment that was posted on that database, what does this blessing calibrate at?

"It is better to be an integrous atheist or agnostic than a nonintegrous religionist"

Request: It’s a bit shocking to me! It’s against the common [norm] in religions. This statement from: I: Reality and Subjectivity.

"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence..."

Quote from Calvin Coolidge. Priority request.

“If you have the choice between being right and being kind, choose being kind”

A quote attributed to Wayne Dyer.

"You are morally obliged to do remarkable things"

Request: Quote from Jordan Peterson's Instagram page. I am not sure if it's above 200, sound like a hard work or even a force.

"Divinity delights in the fulfillment of that which it created"

Request: Said by Doc in a 2005 Lecture. He goes on to explain that if one has a dog and teaches the dog to fetch and do tricks, it pleases God.

"The only protection is owning that we are the source of our own experience..."

"...that we are the master of it, that we can handle it, and that we are greater than it" -- The Ego Is Not The Real You, by David R. Hawkins, p. 38. Priority request.