the absurdity of negative thinking

cal. 570 (article, below)

All-Dimensions calibration

Calibrated in all dimensions, the result is a full analysis of attitudes, principles, being, or "whatness."

These contemplations select the "victim" side of the dualistic illusion

A field of pride energy came upon me, and I thought you were better than me. I felt "less than" you. Isn't that absurd? It's laughable. We are divine, so we are worth the same. I decline the pride energy illusion.

A field of anger came upon me, and I thought you were forcing me. I felt undue pressure and discomfort. Isn't that absurd? Our inner strength is equal, because we are from the same source. I decline the anger energy illusion.

A field of desire came to me, and I thought you manipulated me. I felt confused and didn't know what was real. Isn't that absurd? Truth serves us. It opens constructive options for real growth. I decline the desire energy illusion.

A field of desperation came to me, and I thought I couldn't cope. I was frantic and neurotic, believing my life was in my own hands. Isn't that absurd? Everything is in God's hands. I decline the desperation energy illusion.

A field of fear came upon me, and I thought there was scarcity. I felt poor, weak and empty. Isn't that absurd? God provides everything I need, always has, always will. I decline the fear energy illusion.

A field of grief came upon me, and I thought you were taking from me, depriving me of energy. Isn't that absurd? We access an Infinite source of energy. And, there is no real loss. I decline the grief energy illusion.

A field of apathy came to me, and I thought you made me numb. I felt defeated and powerless. Isn't that absurd? We are powerful, if choose to be, because God gives us power. I decline the apathy energy illusion.

A field of guilt came to me, and I thought I hated myself. I felt sinful. I thought you blamed me. Isn't that absurd? In reality, I'm innocent, a child of God. I decline false programming. I decline the guilt energy illusion.

A field of shame came to me, and I thought you made me not a person. I felt nullified and outcast. Isn't that absurd? In reality, personness can neither be granted nor taken away. I decline the shame energy illusion.

A deathly field came upon me, and I thought I would die. Or I thought I should die. Isn't that absurd? Life can neither be created nor destroyed, though the form of it changes. I decline the deathly energy illusion.

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