Spiritual Teachers List

Spiritual Teachers List

Note: this list includes a number of teachers who calibrate under 200. In that case, strictly speaking, they do not meet the definition of "spiritual teacher." However, they are included as a matter of spiritual interest.

The teacher calibration tells you their motivation, that is, where they're coming from energetically. Pride? Love? It could be called the "payoff" of being a teacher, but it is more than that: it is what they are teaching wordlessly with their being.

The calibration of a teaching tells you the energy level of the content and its framing. This would be the "payoff" of contemplating the teachings. The separation of teachings from teachers is somewhat of an abstraction, since teachers necessarily convey teachings, however it is possible to make the distinction by calibration. Calibrations of teachings are sometimes provided to aid in understanding the intellectual appeal of a fallen teacher.

In the event a false teacher speaks truth, the teaching is corrupted, because truth used with negative motivation is false (cal. 605). We might say the teacher's being speaks louder than the teachings. Given that teachers may provide teachings before a drop in calibration, it becomes necessary to calibrate each book, lecture or video.

List of teachers calibrated:

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Aaron Doughty
Acharya Prashant
Adi Da Samraj
Ajahn Brahm
Alan Cohen
Alan Watts
Alexander Poraj-Zakiej
Amma, the Hugging Saint
Anandamayi Ma
Andrew Weil
Anita Moorjani
Anthony William
Arsenie Boca
Artem Boytsov
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Barry Long
Béla Hamvas
Bentinho Massaro
Bernadette Roberts
Bert Hellinger
Bob Proctor
Braco the Gazer
Brené Brown
Bruce Lipton
Bruno Gröning
Byron Katie
Caroline Myss
Chad Ripperger
Chogyam Trungpa
Chris Oyakhilome
Dalai Lama
Dan Peña
David Deida
David Goggins
David Hoffmeister
David Icke
David R. Hawkins
Deborah King
Deepak Chopra
Dhyan Vimal
Dolores Cannon
Douglas James Cottrell
Eckhart Tolle
Eknath Easwaran
Fran Grace
Francis Lucille
Frederick Dodson
Gary Renard
George Gurdjieff
George Lamsa
Gerald Jampolsky
Gregg Braden
H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji)
Hale Dwoskin
Helen Schucman
Hermann Hesse
Hew Len
Ilchi Lee
Jack Kornfield
Jamie Munday
Jay Shetty
Jeff Foster
Jesse Lee Peterson
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Jim Newman
Joe Dispenza
Joe Vitale
Joel Osteen
John Butler
John Diamond
John of God
Jordan Peterson
Jorge Pellicer
Joseph Murphy
Julien Blanc
Katherine Woodward Thomas
Kazuaki Tanahashi
Ken Wilber
Kim Eng
Klaudia Pingot
Lama Tsultrim Allione
Leo Gura
Lester Levenson
Lorie Ladd
Lorna Byrne
Louise Hay
Malak Jan Nemati
Mantak Chia
Maria Faustina Kowalski
Marianne Williamson
Marisa Peer
Marshall Vian Summers
Masafumi Nagasaki
Master Zhi Gang Sha
Matt Kahn
Michael Bernard Beckwith
Michael Tsarion
Mirra Alfassa
Naho Owada
Neale Donald Walsch
Neem Karoli Baba
Neville Goddard
Nick Vujicic
Om Swami
Osho / Rajneesh
Owen Cook
Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
Paramahamsa Vishwananda
Paul Brunton
Paul Selig
Paulo Coelho
Pema Chodron
Pope Francis
Ram Dass
Ramesh Balsekar
Ray Maor
Rhonda Byrne
Ricardo Ponce
Richard L. Haight
Richard Rohr
Richard Rudd
Robert Adams
Robert Perry
Robert Smalley
Rupert Spira
Russell M. Nelson
Ryan Holiday
Sahara Rose Ketabi
Saint Bernadette
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
Sal Rachele
Sat Mindo aka Master Mindo
Sat Shree
Sharon Salzberg
Sheng Yen
Simon Sinek
Sri Hans Raj Maharajji
Sri M (Madhukarnath ji)
Sri Prem Baba
Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Stanislav Grof
Steve Hardison
Swami Amar Jyoti
Swami Lakshman Joo
Swami Mukundananda
Swami Rama
Swami Sarvapriyananda
Sydney Banks
Taigu Osho
Tara Brach
Teal Swan
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Terence McKenna
Thich Nhat Hanh
Thomas Keating
Tony Parsons
Tony Robbins
U. G. Krishnamurti
Vianna Stibal
Wayne Dyer
William Tiller
Wim Hof
Yehuda Ashlag
Yogi Bhajan
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

Teachers under 200 in intention regard their spiritual teachings primarily as proprietary content to be packaged, promoted and sold. Teachers under 175 in intention are primarily motivated to be thought leaders and have followers.

Here are the calibrations: