Requested calibrations available in TvF or RSMM

Calisthenics 290

Rumi (spiritual teacher) 550

Gospel of St. Thomas 660

Theresa, Saint, of Avila 715

Freud, Sigmund 499 (under the heading "Science — Scientists")

Vladimir Putin 190

play 375

Book of Revelation 70

“Distant Healing” False

Feldenkrais Exercises 410

Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (1835; cal. 455)

Muhammad 700, later 130

Gass, Robert (“Kyrie”) 705 (in music list)

Free Masonry 510

Uncertainty principle (Heisenberg's principle) 460

Dances With Wolves (movie) 375

Taj Mahal 750

Angkor Wat 550

Vikings, Huns, Goths 55-85

9/11 attack 35

Enneagram 390

Cheers (TV series) 250

The Lord's Prayer 650

telepathy 250

Forrest Gump 475

Golf (sport) 400

The Beatles (music) 460

Crystals (of spiritual interest) 210

chess (game) 415

Titanic, The (movie) 405

Miracle on 34th Street (movie) 390

Gandhi (movie) 455

Lion King, The (movie) 415

Dolphin 95

Lao Tsu: Teachings 610

American Beauty (film) 380

Baha'i (religion) 365

Shakespeare (literary works) 500

Genghis Khan 140

Patriotism 520

satori (spiritual state) 585

Homeopathy 200

Transcendental Meditation 295

Thomas Merton 515

Theosophy 365

Mother Theresa 710

Alan Watts (spiritual teacher) 485

“Greenhouse gas” earth-warming theory: False
Earth is warming due to pollution: False

Lord of the Rings (movie) 350

Cursing (using Lord's name in vain) 45
Damning other people to hell 15

Bearing false witness 60

Rasputin 120

Star Children (Ideology) 145
Star People (Ideology) 160
Starseed Family (Ideology) 145
"The world of pseudospiritual fantasy also produces the imaginings of ‘Indigo’ children, star children, star families, star people, fifth-dimension incoming messengers of the future, etc. Common to all of these is a sense of uniqueness; magic; romanticized, naïve, imaginative fantasy; and the attraction of ‘specialness’ itself." (TvF)

Kundalini yoga 510

Vedas 970

Astrology 210-405

Shanti Shanti Shanti 650

Om Mane Padme Hum 700

Shroud of Turin real? No

Japa 515 (Japamala)

Art of Rubens 510
Art of Vermeer 515

Numerology 210 (such as "Angel numbers")

Morphic Resonance 460
Morphogenetic Fields (Sheldrake) 460

Collective Unconscious (Jung) 455

Quantum Mechanics 460

New Testament (King James Version after deletion of the Book of Revelation) 790
New Testament (King James Version from the Greek) 640

humility 270

“End Justifies the Means” 120

Astrology 210-405

prostitution 140

smudging 520

Poonjai-Ji 520 (Book of Slides)

Rocky (1976), movie 265

Tesla, Nicola 460

Joseph Smith, Jr. 510

Tuskegee Air Squadron 465

Rebirthing 250 (breathwork)

Sergei Rachmaninoff (music) 490

Andrea Bocelli (music) 550

Upanishads 970

dogs 245

sex 250

Mona Lisa, The 499

Reiki 340

“Parallel Universe” Theory, False

King James Bible (from the Greek) 475
Lamsa Bible (from Aramaic) 495

Koran 700

Dhammapada 840

Gorbachev, Mikhail 500 (also 500 for social impact)

Vladimir Lenin 70 or 80 (both numbers in TvF)

Joseph Stalin 70 or 90 (both numbers in TvF)

Sharia (Islamic) law 190 (RSMM)

Sleepless in Seattle (1993) 350

Body-Building Fixation 185

Boxing 180