Praise for Consciousness Calibrations Database

Via the request page:

The database has been very important to me as a form of a compass to the truth and what works and what doesn't and allowed me to adopt better ways of being as a result. I look forward to reading the calibrations and articles everyday.

Via the comments forum:

I also wanted to say thank you. This website has helped me so much. I feel like I’ve been able to turn the course around from some really negative paths I was going down, somewhat unknowingly. After only a few months of almost daily viewing of the website to complement my study of Hawkins’, some positionalities I held are glaringly obviously false and destructive - but that is now. Looking at the website is really honing a discernment skill that I can apply to all areas of my life and the choices I make.

Via email:

Just want to say that I really appreciate this site. It has become the main way in which I make decisions around the next spiritual step. In the short time of being a member, I have significantly changed course for the better. Keep up the good work!

Via the calibration request form:

thank you for your work. You shared the song 'Ave Maria' in one of your short videos and it brought me to tears and touched my heart, so for that alone the subscription to your service is well worth it.

From the Facebook page:

I really really appreciate your work with calibrations. Good work. Thank you Brian. 👏👏👏

Submitted through the request function:

Also just wanted to say thank you so much for this site and the effort you put into it.  I really appreciate it and think you are doing a brilliant job!  I like to visit it almost everyday and even bought a few of the books calibrated here :)  I don't have much free money to donate lately but I'll try keep my membership going a bit longer to show my appreciation for it.  Thanks!

Subscriber comment via email:

Thank you Brian for all the calibrations you have done. This site has opened a whole new world for me and the calibrations have guided me in a good way. I have discovered teachers I never knew existed. I live in the UK and had never heard of John Butler but I now listen to this wise man on a regular basis. I have learned a great deal by joining this site.

Subscriber comment via email:

I wanted to send you a note and thank you for working on the DB. Not only are the results sometimes surprising, but it's a great tool for understanding the world. I've tried calibrating in the past but didn't know if I could trust my own results. I'm happy to have a place to look things up and make requests. THANK YOU!

Subscriber comment via email:

I would like to thank you for your efforts in managing the CCC website and the forum.  This has been a wonderful experience for me in my quest to integrity and helping mankind.

Anonymous comment submitted through the request function:

Whether one agrees with all the calibrations on here or not, the consequence of subscription to this website appears to significantly uplift one energetically.

This is due to the integrity of the individual who performs these calibrations, as well as the overall group who regularly views them.

One can review and reflect upon the findings of these calibrations in a way that is neither naively believing yet at the same time open to consideration, and with an attempted reduced personal bias.

In a greater context, it is actually the alignment with that which is of integrity, and therefore true power, overall, that is of immense benefit to a person.

It is akin to a guidance system for today’s spiritual aspirant and is also a great assistance and support for those who are sensitive to the fluctuations in human consciousness collectively.

Anonymous comment submitted through the request function:

Thank You for speaking on behalf of Self

Subscriber comment via email:

I am so excited I found your database! This is something I have been considering doing myself.

Subscriber comment via email, speaking of her paid-subscription:

I'm loving and appreciating the Consciousness Calibrations Database. Wow- thank you!! ... I can't imagine anything more valuable to support than Truth (and Love)!

Posted in Consciousness Calibrations Community:

Just wanted to say thank you to Brian for hosting this group and for managing and providing us with the Consciousness Calibrations database.

Both the group and the database have been of incredible help for me in maintaining sanity and staying on the narrow path of spiritual growth, especially over the last year...

Also, I want to say thank you to everyone here for your holy company. We may be worlds apart in physical form but the spiritual closeness and alignment warms my heart. It is good to know you are all in this world and it comforts me.

Blessings to you all.

Thank you, everyone, for your kindness and support! I'm blessed to be on this journey with you. Also glad my calibration research is beneficial to many.

Please check the database often. There are up to ten new calibration results every day. Cheers.