Milestone: 800 calibrations!

Subscriptions: 275

You and 274 other people are following the (almost) daily updates to the consciousness calibrations database web site. Thank you so much for your interest and support! A special thank you to the 50+ paid-subscribers. I feel huge gratitude for your patronage!

Why become a paid-subscriber?

The calibration results for PEOPLE are only available to paid-subscribers. That's currently 125 notable individuals, spiritual teachers, and fallen gurus, with over 200 calibrations--about 25% of the database. Plus, obviously, your paid-subscription helps pay for the website. Most importantly, it keeps me going. In the coming years, I hope to have tens-of-thousands of database entries for you!

Recent requests fulfilled

Use the search function to find these, listed below. If they don't appear in the search results, scroll down the home page--they're too new and haven't been indexed, yet.

You can request a calibration, here.

Love 2.0 - Creating Happiness and Health in Moments of Connection
The sedona method (technique)
The Office Tv Show
Ignatius of Loyola
Queen Elizabeth II
Viktor Frankl's famous book Mans Search for Meaning
The Akashic Records
The Witcher TV Series
LOC Michael Jackson
LOC Naho Owada
Movie- Lucy (2014 ),please and thank you
Hale dwoskin
Proof of Heaven: A neurosurgeon's journey into the afterlife by Eben Alexander, MD
Chaplet of the Divine Mercy of Saint Faustina
nancy pelosi
Saint Faustina
Bob Marley
Conversations With God (Neale Donald Walsh)
Full Fact, UK fact checking website
The Flat Earth Movement that's been going on

I love doing this!

This is, apparently, my life's work. I hope to be doing it for years to come. If you know of anyone else with a web site of original calibrations (we already have Dr. Hawkins' results on many topics), please let me know. It seems a knack for calibration is actually quite rare, despite it's availability to everyone over LoC 200. There is dedication and devotion required and skill to develop. Hang in there!

Best wishes,
Brian Gibbs