consciousness calibrator (expanded explanation)

cal. 540

Scroll to the end for the expanded explanation.

For accuracy as a consciousness calibrator, one must align with unconditionality. It may be helpful to meditate to clear the mind. As this is where the topic is held, a silent mind is essential. Clearing the body of any forced energy or energy block is also important for muscle-testing.

At 540 as a calibrator or spiritual student one has sufficiently surrendered the attraction of prejudicial opinions, whereby calibration results may be classified as accurate. For comparison, 585 is the level of highly accurate, and 605—the level of consciousness calibration itself (TvF)—is perfect, according to my research.

In Truth vs. Falsehood, Dr. Hawkins wrote, "The 400s and above are the most accurate" (Appendix C, "How to Calibrate the Levels of Consciousness"). As this is a relative statement, it is not contradicted to say 540 is the level of consciousness calibration accuracy.

The 400s, rational and intellectually detached though they are, remain bound by a linear mind or heart which limits accuracy to a less-than-accurate threshold. Therein lies the difference between one who practices calibration (475) and a consciousness calibrator (540). The latter has sacrificed the intellectual ratification of empiricism (475), passed the gate of subjectivity (500), and surrendered "love as a positive attachment" (Transcending the Levels of Consciousness), whereby his calibrations become unconditional.

Finally, just as one may differ in their calibration as a spiritual student compared to personally, the calibrator's capacity may be higher or lower than his personal calibration.

Expanded explanation

With calibration capacity below 500, we measure consciousness on a linear continuum that supposes an "amount" of consciousness per level. With capacity over 500, we understand consciousness is multi-linear—that it may be measured on one of many possible lines. But which line? (And what are the lines?) This we leave up to Consciousness to determine, and that surrender is only possible over 500, where the intellect is not dominant. The selection of line by Consciousness is the nonlinear aspect, while the line itself is linear. In this way, calibration in the 500s is both linear and non-linear, so the term "semi-linear" applies.

Put simply, calibrating with a capacity under 500, we hold both a topic and a single line upon which to measure. The line is what we think consciousness is. As we differ in our comprehension of consciousness, the questions are different, and therefore so are the results.

Over 500 is a domain free of the intellect's linear restrictions in which we defer to the omniscience of Consciousness. At 540, we unconditionally defer to Consciousness, and calibration accuracy is unlocked. In this way, we get a result for a topic, yet we don't know what the question was (we don't know the line Consciousness selected). Maybe the line (essence) was the heart or the point of observation or the paradigm or content only, etc. That can be found out later with additional calibration, if it seems important. Usually it is enough to simply have the result.

If calibrators have the 540 capacity to unconditionally defer to Consciousness to Self-select what constitutes essence for a given topic, then, finally, calibration results will be comparable, for the same topic and question combination will be tested. Then the promise of calibration accuracy is fulfilled.