Arsenie Boca

Note on spiritual teachers

Spiritual teachers often have high energy corresponding to high beliefs. With this self-esteem, they are charismatic. They may even be psychic, or a conduit for miracles, but these are functions of energy, only, and not indicative of a level of consciousness, as consciousness is not set by belief.

Likewise, a teacher may present and expound upon what is actually beyond himself, beyond his holistic evolution. If so, his teachings are theoretical and appeal to the intellect, compelling and satisfying though the ideas may be. The mind loves theory, but consciousness is not set by mentalization. 

The all-dimensions calibration indicates the average level of a teacher's integration of his own teachings. It is his evolution in all-dimensions, or chakras, from the crown to the root. Some teachers are advanced in the heart or the third-eye or the thymus, which is the seat of psychic powers. The all-dimensions calibration considers all of these.